Training Trivia Quiz: 2022
Elks Training Quiz: 1
A motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes is out of order.
No, Statutes XV. Sec. 15.020. op. 01.
Lodges are not permitted to assess those Members any processing fee.
Statutes XIV. Sec. 14.300 op. 04.
A Lodge is not prohibited from charging fees……… for use of its other facilities, golf course, swimming pool, bowling alley that are not of the Lodges Club or social parlor.
Statutes XVI. Sec. 16.040. op. 21.
A Lodge may require the production and reading of the minutes of the Board.
Statutes XII. Sec. 12.070. op. 03.
That it is done in “a dignified manner”
Statutes. Article 1, The Supreme Law. Sec 1. op 06.
Statues XIV. Sec. 14.030, page 139.
Statues XV. Sec. 15.020,
A citizen of the United States, be at least 21 years of age, believe in God, and be of good character.
Statues XIV. Section 14.010, pg.136
The Eleven O’Clock Toast may properly be given by one other than an Exalted Ruler or Past Exalted Ruler. The only requirement is that it be “done in a dignified manner.”
Statutes 1. Constitution Article1 Sec. 1 op. 06.
Statutes I. Constitution Preamble Sec 1.
Elks Training Quiz: 2
Only those Rituals so designated and the 11o/c Toast may be given in public.
Statutes II. Sec. 2.010. op. 03.
A member may be charged with Conduct Unbecoming an Elk. Might be considered using their membership for business or commercial purposes.
Statutes IX. Sec, 9.070 op. 01-02
The Toast may properly be given by one other than the ER and a PER, the only requirement that it be done in a dignified manner.
Statutes. Article 1. Sec.1. op.06.
It is not permitted to use a substitute for the 11o/c Toast.
Statutes. Article 1. Sec. 1. Op.8.
Lodge Esquire, who faces the Exalted Ruler and then says.
“It is the hour of Recollection”.
Ritualistic Manual.2017. pg. 43.
The hour of 11 quickly acquired a somber meaning, and in the centuries that followed, became the synonym throughout Europe for someone on his deathbed or about to go into battle.
Elks.org/History/ Origin of the Toast, paragraph 4.
The golden hour of recollection is the homecoming of those who wander, the mystic roll call of those who will come no more. Living or dead, Elks are never forgotten, never forsaken.
Elks.org/History/ Elks Eleven O’Clock Toast.
11 strokes: This is to remind you that with Elks, the hour of 11 has a tender significance.
Elks.org/History/ Origin of the Toast, paragraph 1.
One of the main contributions of Charles Richardson -- in stage name of Charles Algernon Sidney Vivian and founder of the American branch of the Jolly Corks -- was to deliver into the hands of newborn Elks the rituals and traditions of a fraternal organization started in England around 1010 A.D., the Royal and Antedeluvian Order of Buffaloes, to which he belonged prior to coming to New York.
Elks.org/History/ Origin of the Toast, paragraph 1.
He was one of the 15 Jolly Corks, who was a member of the Buffaloes, to hold the nightly hour of 11 to establish a ritual toast similar to that of the Buffaloes at the next-to-last hour each day.
Elks.org/History/ Origin of the Toast, paragraph 5.
Elks Training Quiz: 3
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.014, Opinions 01
Esteemed Leading Knight, Esteemed Loyal Knight, and Esteemed Lecturing Knight
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.040
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.090
c. Esquire
Ref: Statutes, chapter XII, Section 12.090
Ref: Statutes, Chapter XII, Section 12.040, Opinions 02
An alternate representative is elected by members thereof, from any of its Past Exalted Rulers or retiring Exalted Rulers
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Article III, Section 4
No. The presiding Justice is merely a member of the Local Forum who presides over the Proceedings
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Article VI, Section 4
Esteem Leading Knight, Esteem Loyal Knight, and Esteem Loyal Knight
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Article VII, Section 1
Ref: Constitution and Statutes, Article VII, Section 2
The Exalted Ruler does not
Ref: Statutes, Article VII, Local Lodges, Section 2, Opinions 02
Elks Training Quiz: 4
A motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes is out of order
Statutes XV. Sec. 15.020. op. 01
Lodges are not permitted to assess those Members any processing fee
Statutes XIV. Sec. 14.300 op. 04.
A Lodge is not prohibited from charging fees……… for use of its other facilities, golf course, swimming pool, bowling alley that are not of the Lodges Club or social parlor.
Statutes XVI. Sec. 16.040. op. 21.
A Lodge may require the production and reading of the minutes of the Board, also, if a trustee asks for a written copy of the minutes, they are allowed to have them.
Statutes XII. Sec. 12.070. op. 03. Op.7
The Lodge doesn’t need approval on employee contracts.
Expenditure of all monies, event manager commissions, bonuses etc. must be approved on the floor, even though it’s in the contract.
Statutes XVI Sec.16.040 pg.165
It’s the willful disregard of statutory provisions or order of the Grand Exalted Ruler.
Statues Annotated. Ch. 1. Sec.1.010. Pg. 23.
The “Elks Memorial Day” is mandatory and observed on the first Sunday in December as a way to remember our departed members.
Statues Annotated. Ch.2. Sec.2.020. Pg.28.
The Esteemed Leading Knight, the Esteemed Loyal Knight and the Esteemed Lecturing Knight shall assist the Exalted Ruler in the performance of his duties and officiate for him in his absence, in the order of their rank.
Statues Annotated. Ch.12. Sec.12.040. Pg.118.
Should the Grand Exalted Ruler or the District Deputy fail to be present or name someone to act for him, the Lodge may designate any past or retiring Exalted Ruler to install the Officers.
Statues Annotated. Ch.12. Sec.12.010. Pg. 116.
A Member delinquent and owing at least five month’s dues to the Lodge shall be dropped from the rolls any time during the month of March each year without the vote of the Lodge thereon. The effective date for dropping the Member shall be not later than March 31, provided the delinquent dues are not paid.
Statues Annotated. Ch.14. Section 14.160. Pg. 148.
Elks Training Quiz: 5
The Lodge Secretary.
Statutes VIII, Sec. 8.015.
2 business days of receipt of the Notice.
Appoint another Member to act as Mediator for this hearing only.
Statutes VIII, Sec. 8.015.
The Mediator, the Accuser, the Accused, and if desired, a Member designated by each as counsel. Witnesses are by the discretion of the Mediator only.
Mediators guide.
No records of the Mediation shall be made except as hereinafter provided.
No reference to the Proceedings, nor any statement or occurrence at said proceeding.
Mediators guide
A simple written statement shall be prepared by the Mediator and filed with the Secretary, signed by the Mediator, the Accused and Accuser.
That they have resolved their differences or,
That the Accused and Accuser were unable to resolve their differences.
Statutes VIII sec. 8.015
The Presiding Justice is a Member of the Local Forum.
Statutes VIII sec.8.140
The trial is open to all Members in good standing
Statutes VIII. Sec. 8.090
The Presiding Justice and four Members as hereinafter provided in Statutes 13.020.
Statutes VIII. Sec. 8.010
The Lodge Secretary will read the complaint at a regular Lodge meeting would be the proper procedure, Secretary serves the Accused; and also notifies the Exalted Ruler and the Presiding Justice and files 3 copies of the complaint.
Statutes VIII sec. 8.020
The Accuser has 30 days to appeal the decision.
Statutes VIII sec. 8.023
Elks Training Quiz: 6
Shall be from the Installation of Officers at the Annual Session of one year to the Installation of Officers at the annual session of the following year.
Statutes VII. Sec. 8 Article VIII
The highest tribunal in the land
Statutes I. Laws of the Order. Sec. 1.040
Any Elk may attend Grand Lodge, but only Grand Lodge members, such as a Past Exalted Ruler or an Exalted Ruler who has attended a Grand Lodge Session may participate in Grand Lodge sessions.
Statutes I. Laws of the Order. Sec. I.070
The current version of Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, shall govern all proceedings unless contravened by the Constitution or Laws of the Order.
Notice which is required to be served upon a specific Member must be served personally, by United States mail, or by United States Mail Certified, Return Receipt Requested as specifically provided.
Statutes I. Sec 1.115
The Chief Justice is responsible for the time and location.
Statutes 7. Sec.7.010
Original Jurisdiction, de nova Jurisdiction, and Appellate Jurisdiction.
Statutes 7. Sec 7.020
(a) Affirm the decision
(b) Reverse the decision in which instance it may:
Set the decision aside
Remand the matter for retrial with instructions.
Increase the sentence if it less than the minimum by Statute.
Reduce the sentence if it exceeds the penalty if it exceeds the maximum by Statute
Dismiss the appeal for failure to timely file or properly prosecute the appeal.
Statutes 7. Sec 7.090
The Grand Exalted Ruler shall enforce the penalties assessed by the Grand Forum.
Statutes 7. Sec, 7.130
The guilty party may be held in contempt and shall be punishable by suspension of all rights and privileges for a period not to exceed three (3) years.
Statutes 7. Sec. 7.150
Elks Training Quiz: 7
The Supervising Manager of the Club, Social Parlor or other facility.
Statutes XVI. Sec.16.040
On or before May 1st of each year.
Statutes XV. Sec, 15.080
“…. therein shall extend a line equidistant between the boundaries of the municipalities in which adjoining Lodges are located.
Statutes XIV. Sec. 14.090
6 months and must be read at 2 successive meetings before being referred to the Fraternal Committee.
Statutes XIV Sec.14.090
A copy of the Constitution and Laws of the Order, the Lodge By-Laws and a copy of “What it means to be an Elk”
Statutes XIV. Sec 14.070
A Lodge may elect not less than three and not more than five Trustees, and one
member of the Board of Trustees is to be elected annually.
Statues XV. Chapter 15. Sec. 15.010
A Lodge by By-Law or resolution may not provide for compensation of any kind to any Lodge Officers, except the Secretary, Treasurer, Tiler and Organist.
Statues XV. Sec.15.010. opinion 07.
A two-thirds (2/3rds) vote is required to overrule the decision of the Exalted Ruler.
Statues XV. Chapter 15. Sec.15.030.
No member shall be admitted to or excused from a Lodge room during the opening ceremonies, reading of the minutes, while a ballot is being taken upon an application for membership, during initiation, or the closing ceremonies.
Statues XV. Chapter 15. Sec. 15.040.
A member may lose privileges for a period not exceeding one (1) year.
Statues XVI. Chapter 16. Sec.16.041.
Elks Training Quiz:8
Upon the expiration of the suspension the Lodge Secretary shall issue to the Member a new membership card without reference to the suspension.
Statues XVI. Sec. 16.041. pg. 168.
True. A Member shall be responsible to the Lodge for the conduct of guests admitted upon his invitation.
Statues XVI. Sec. 16.060. pg. 172.
Yes. If a Lodge publishes any magazine, newspaper, bulletin or other periodical devoted to the interests of the Order, every Member of that Lodge is entitled to receive a copy of each such publication, whether by electronic delivery or by regular mail.
Statues XVI. Section 16.150. Opinion 03, pg. 175.
In case of conflict between By-Laws and House Rules, the By-Laws prevail.
Statues XVII Sec 17.060. Opinion 04, pg. 178.
Yes. The Chairman of the Board must attend District Deputy clinics, but if the Chairman is either the Exalted Ruler or Esteemed Leading Knight (who must attend in any event) then another Member of the Board must be designated to attend as well.
Statutes XVI. Sec. 16.020
No. The Board has a responsibility to monitor revenues and expenditures for budgetary compliance.
Statues. XVI. Sec. 16.020
The members.
Statutes XVI. Sec. 16.020
Statutes XVI. Sec. 16.040
Obtain a permit from the Board of Grand Lodge Trustees. Application of which must be in writing on forms obtained from the office of the Grand Secretary.
Statutes XVI. Sec, 16.050
The Area Member of the Committee on Judiciary for prior approval.
Statutes XVI. Sec, 16.150
Elks Training Quiz: 9
The Board shall present a segregated budget not later than the final regular meeting of the Lodge in April.
Statues. Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary. Section 12.070. Page 9.
The Corporate Officers shall be elected from the Board of Directors and shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, to be elected annually by the Board of Directors. The President and Secretary shall not hold more than one office in the corporation.
Statues. Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary. Section 16.030. Page 12.
Lodge may vacate the position of any Officer [Section 12.140]:
a. Who is absent from meetings of the Lodge, or duty, during two consecutive months without good cause, or
b. Who was replaced by an acting Officer under the provisions of Section 12.020, and determined by the Lodge to be unable to complete his term of office.
Statues. Appendix I. Voting Requirements Guide. Section 12.140 and Section 12. 020. Page 232.
Two – thirds majority ballots casts.
Statues. Two-Thirds Majority Ballots Casts. Appendix I. Item E. Page 233.
A criminal offense which is specified by a law as a felony or, if not so specified, a criminal offense wherein the penalty provided by law can be greater than one year in jail.
Statues. Law of Order. Ch. 1. Section 1.030. Page 23.
Shall be defined as a Member of the Order who is not currently:
(a) An Unaffiliated Elk as defined in Section 14.120.
(b) Delinquent in the payment of dues or Grand Lodge per capita fees and assessments.
(c) Delinquent in the payment of State Association dues.
(d) Suspended from Membership under any of the provisions of the Laws of the Order; or
(e) Stricken from the rolls for indebtedness to the Club or Lodge under
Section 14.170. Statues. Ch. 1. Section 1.095. Page 24.
Shall be proposed in writing and read at a regular meeting to be held no less than 2 weeks and 10 weeks thereafter.
Statutes XVII Sec. 17.052
This shall be considered an act of Contumacy.
Statutes XVII Sec. 17.050
Americanism, Business Practices, Drug Awareness, ENF, ENF-MVS Scholarship Contest, Government Relations, Hoop Shoot, Lodge Activities, Membership, National Veterans Service Commission, Public Relations, Ritualistic and Youth Activities.
Statutes XVIII, Sec 18.020.
No, except those facilities thereof designated for the use of and then being used only by the Non-Member spouses and minor children of the Members of the Lodge.
Statutes XVI, Sec 16.090
Elks Training Quiz: 11
At the regular session after his installation, the Presiding Justice is not installed as an Officer of the Lodge and is therefore not an Officer of the Lodge.
Statutes VI, Sec.4 Constitution.
The Secretary, Treasurer, Tiler and Organist.
Statutes VII, Sec 1 Article VII Constitution. op.05
No, they cannot. Statutes VII, Sec. 3 Article VII Constitution op. 1
The fees are fixed by the By-Laws of the Lodge and shall not be less than the minimum fees fixed by the Laws of the Order.
Statutes VII Sec 6 Article VII Constitution.
An action which offends the public conscience.
Op.1 The phrase “moral turpitude” as recognized by civil law.
Statutes 1.010 Sec 1.110 Laws of the Order
Nine Members of a Local Lodge, measured as of the preceding March 31.
Statutes.1 Sec.1.160 Laws of the Order.
Funds or other property donated to, raised by, or allocated by a Lodge or related entity to be expended during a specified time or for a designated purpose, or both.
Statutes 1 Sec. 1.165 Laws of the Order.
Yes. A Member who is still on the Lodge’s rolls despite being delinquent at the time of their death is entitled to all statutory rights of membership as any other Member on the rolls.
Statutes II. Sec. 2.040 opinion 02
Yes they can.
Statutes XII Sec. 12.070 opinion 03.
1: An Officer who is absent from meetings of the Lodge, or duty for 2 consecutive months without good cause.
2: Who was replaced by an acting Officer under the provisions of Section 12.020, and determined by the Lodge to be unable to complete his term of office.
Statute XII Sec12.0140
Elks Training Quiz: 12
Answer: The “Elks Memorial Day” is mandatory and observed on the first Sunday in December as a way to remember our departed members.
Statues Annotated. Ch.2. Sec.2.020. Pg.28.
Answer: The Chief Justice is responsible for the time and location’
Statues Annotated. Ch.7 Sec. 7.010. Pg. 52.
Answer: If the Exalted Ruler is suspended under this Section, his duties shall devolve upon the other chair Officers of the Lodge in order of their rank. If any other Officer is suspended, the Exalted Ruler shall appoint a Member of the Lodge to perform the duties of the suspended Officer. If the suspended Officer has books, records or property in his custody, he shall surrender the same to the appointed Member. If an Officer is acquitted, he shall be restored to office with full rights and privileges, unless his successor has been elected and installed.
Statues Annotated. Ch. 8. Local Forum. Section 8.180. Paragraphs 2-3. Pg. 77.
Answer: A Lodge may elect not less than three and not more than five Trustees, and one member of the Board of Trustees is to be elected annually.
Statues Annotated. Chapter 15. Sec. 15.010. Pg. 157.
Answer: He was one of the 15 Jolly Corks, who was a member of the Buffaloes, to hold the nightly hour of 11 to establish a ritual toast similar to that of the Buffaloes at the next-to-last hour each day.
Elks.org/History/ Origin of the Toast, paragraph 5.
Answer: A Member delinquent and owing at least five month’s dues to the Lodge shall be dropped from the rolls any time during the month of March each year without the vote of the Lodge thereon. The effective date for dropping the Member shall be not later than March 31, provided the delinquent dues are not paid.
Statues Annotated. Ch.14. Section 14.160. Pg. 148.