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41st Annual FSEA State Golf Tournament

36 Teams
(as of 4/4/24 12:57 pm)
No Name (Lake Placid #2661) Al Welch
Jim Ryan
Deny Mathew
Jack Lorenz
Team Thorn Dan Thorn
Nelson Trinidad
Greg Allen
Dan Harper
Highland Ridge Boys Scott Groff
Bob Garner
Joe Graham
Alex Shue
Go Blue! Christopher Szymanski
Moni Wahl
Joe Abraham
Jackie Abraham
Naples 2010 Ron Heldebrandt
Holly Balante
Bob Costello
Wayne Ludwig
The Bad Actors Bob Erwin
Tom Phebus
Ed Anderson
St Pete Drivers Buzz Hoffman
Patrick Mulligan
Team Ludwick Tom Ludwick
Dennis Peyton
Mac Womack
Gary Poekert
1224 Hacks Brian Haverfield
Jeff Selfe
Bob Matos
Eric Matos
Colin Pearl Team Colin Pearl 
Ron Rawlings
Alan Lanthier
Bill Matos
Straight Shot Noel Felix, III
Matt Marty
Scott Frey
Bob Phalin
Lakewood Ranch Hands Jerry Ditty
Tonya Ditty
Rick Ormsby
Annette Ormsby
Bad Boys John Holbrook
Jeff Holbrook
Bruce Ralston
Doug Van Dyk
St. Pete Drivers Toni Goodrich
Brant Dowd
President Cooper Team Frank Malatesta
Danny Tabor
Joe Cooper
Bo Cooper
Broke Down Elks Michael Woythaler
Mike Davis
Mark Wyatt
The Foursome of Fun Sven Nelson
Andrice Nelson
Carl Seibert
Theresa Seibert
Fort Myers Elks David Lake
Lacey Farmer
Mike Grafe
Eric Farmer
Plant City Elks Lodge #1727 Mike Smith
Todd Smith
Steve Schneider
Chris Smith
Lake Placid Boys John DiPaolo
Mark Peterson
Johnny Mcearchen
Vince Love
Primavera Team Vince Primavera
Larry W.
Gamble Team Eileen Gamble
Darlene Menth
Shelly Rudy
Carolyn Alvara
We Like Big Putts Michael Schodlbauer
Dan Talbott
Doug Jenkins
Conley Team Dick Conley
Charles McDavid, Jr.
John Martin
John Martin, Jr.
Stroke's of Luck Colleen Gallant
Terry Hood
Laurie Anne Torres
Adam Mrozek
Misfits (Team #2113) Donnie Wilson
Joey Arena
Bob Merrow
Bob Swink
Plant City Elks John Guarino
Gaines Jaeger
Bob Norton
George Domedion
 Drunken Monkey's Art Yanni
Glen Garvey
Tom Depinto
Joe Mugnai
 Fab 4 Mark Savitt
Jeff Runkle
Norman Knowles
Randy Rouch
 Team B & B (Bourbon & Beer)    Michael Edmondson
Doug Kline
Richard Cody
John Marshall
 Fish & Chicks   Elaine Fisher
Rachael Herrera
Connie Harder
Laurie Prescott
 Team Smith Russ Smith
Denise Smith
T. Stephen "Snuffy" Smith
Amy Smith
 Strokes Four More Raymond Marciulionis
Andrew Marciulionis
Paul Rieck
Hal Copeland
 Just 4 Old Guys Rick Mechley
Dan Proctor
Jack Mullen
John Heffner
 Calusa Boys Mike Elentrio
John fra ocala
Bruce Westergren
Mike Sullivan
 Northeast Snowbirds Ray Beaudry
Stella Beaudry
Dave St.Germain
Manon St.Germain