Attention all golfers! It’s time to REGISTER for our annual state golf tournament. It is again this year being held at the beautiful Sun ‘N Lake Golf Club in Sebring Florida. The preferred way to register is on the Florida Elks website www.floridaelks.org. There you will also be able to show your support with a $50 donation to sponsor a tee sign.
Also on the website is a list of the hotels where we have negotiated a block of rooms at discounted rates. Thank you to Residence Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Croix Grand Hotel, and Inn on the Lakes. All are located on U.S. 27 and are within 15 minutes of the course.
We are forever grateful to our players and sponsors for your annual support for this tournament. As you know, all proceeds go to the Harry-Anna Trust Fund which supports equally our two state major projects: FL Elks Children’s Therapy Services and the Florida Elks Youth Camp.
This tournament is open to everyone, not just Elks members! Please invite your family and friends to play! Let’s make this an enormous success! And remember, this is for all Florida Children!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tournament Chair John Holbrook at jmh@htn.net. He will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you!
The FSEA State Golf Committee