Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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829 coalition

On Feb. 20, St. Augustine Lodge donated its $2,500 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant to the Homeless Coalition of St. John’s County to provide services to individuals and families who are homeless, including temporary homes and child care. Additionally, lodge members donated approximately $500 worth of nonperishable items.

Pictured are Kevin Walsh, lodge trustee; Cathleen Walsh, Lodge Secretary; Elizabeth Bastedo, lodge grant coordinator; Debi Redding, Homeless Coalition executive director; and Rich Bastedo, lodge member.


829 wf

On Jan. 17, St. Augustine Elks Lodge #829 donated $2,000 from its Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant along with $2,000 of its matching funds from the Florida State Elks Association to the Wildflower Healthcare, which provides no-cost medical and dental care to uninsured residents of the county. Pictured are Elizabeth Bastedo, lodge grant coordinator, and Michelle Collee, executive director of Wildflower Healthcare.


                221 221 2

Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221 hosted a children’s Christmas party Dec. 10 for families from Hogan Spring-Glen Elementary School. With the support of UPS, the United Methodist Church and the use of the lodge's Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant, the lodge provided gifts from wish lists, grocery store gift cards for Christmas dinner and many other donated items to 15 families in need. Author David Gaslin took time with each child and gave them a signed copy of his children’s book. Santa made an appearance as well as Elroy the Elk. Children made ornaments and picture frames, decorated cookies, and had their photos taken with Santa. Lunch and desserts were provided.

Pictured are Santa greeting the children and Elroy the Elk with David Graham, Exalted Ruler.


221 hoop

Hayden Heavener, representing Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221, won first place for boys ages 10-11 at the North regional Hoop Shoot Jan. 28 at Columbia High School in Lake City, Florida. He made 19 out of 25 baskets, tying with another contestant, and then won the tiebreaker, making four out of five baskets. He advances to the state Hoop Shoot. He also won first place at the Jacksonville Lodge Hoop Shoot and the Northeast District Hoop Shoot.

Pictured are Hayden Heavener and Elroy the Elk (from Lake City Lodge).


1892 ranch

On Jan. 10, Green Cove Springs Lodge donated $1,000 from the Past Exalted Rulers charity bingo fund to Seamark Ranch, a working farm in Green Cove Springs that provides schooling and counseling in a family home setting to children in the foster care system or in crisis situations. The ranch has provided support to more than 100 children since opening its doors to children in need.

Pictured at the check presentation are Ed Weston, PER chair; Paul Orvosh, PDD, Lodge Treasurer; Brittany McGraw, Seamark Ranch events manager; and Al Williams, Exalted Ruler.