Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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990 one more

Using its Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant, Gainesville Elks Lodge #990 donated 38 full Thanksgiving dinners for foster families, which was a total of 195 people. The lodge partnered with One More Child, an agency in Gainesville, Florida, that helps with fostering children in 13 counties. Families received a turkey, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, yams, macaroni and cheese, and rolls.

Pictured Nov. 22 at the office of One More Child are Amanda Bush, licensing specialist at One More Child; Louis Mallory, lodge chaplain and secretary of Elk Riders 990; Dave Kaufman, president of Elk Riders 990; Anne Chastain, senior director of foster care at One More Child; Najwa Liscombe, Loyal Knight; Kristie Kaufman, lodge member; and Dina Atalig, lodge grant coordinator.


1892 senior center

On Sept. 7, the Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 PER Association’s charity bingo donated $500 to the Green Cove Springs Senior Center, which is located in Green Cove Springs, Florida. They offer games, activities, presentations and meals to local seniors throughout the week. The donation will assist the center with providing supplies and prizes for their free bingo games to enhance the enjoyment of the community residents. Pictured are Tracy Carroll, PER; Lucie Barnette, PER, bingo chair; Bob Russell, senior center volunteer; Ed Weston, PER, Exalted Ruler; Kathie Thompson, PER; and Paul Orvosh, PDD.


1892 kickoff  1892 rattles

Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 used $2,200 of its Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant to support two local library events. Lodge volunteers greeted families and assisted with materials at both events. On LJune 14, children from infants to teens received age-appropriate books and crafts at the Green Cove Springs Summer Library Kickoff. On June 16, toddlers received books and musical rattles for use during the library's Music and Movement weekly summer sessions. Librarian and lodge member Jennifer Parker distributes books and crafts at the summer kickoff, and Linda Rittenhouse, FLOE President, and Gene Rittenhouse, PDD hand out books and music rattles.


2866 mandarin

On July 14, Mandarin-St. Johns Elks Lodge #2866 donated its $2,000 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant to the Mandarin Food Bank. Pictured at the presentation are Diane Thompson, Exalted Ruler; Steve Easton, Leading Knight; Bonnie McNulty, food bank director; Christie Easton, Loyal Knight; and Carmen Torres, Lodge Secretary.


2605 ortega

On May 10, Orange Park Lodge presented its $2,000 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant to Ortega Elementary to be used for renovating their library. The lodge began a relationship with the school last year, providing school supplies for the children and teachers. Pictured at the presentation are Gwen Parker-Downs; Lisa Green; Lara Mathis, Exalted Ruler; Shannon Rose-Hamann, principal; Beth Bergmann, Lodge Secretary; and Tony Bergmann.