Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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Florida Elks News Online

2688 dictionaries

On Sept. 21, Destin Elks Lodge distributed 334 dictionaries to Destin Elementary using funds from a Gratitude Grant from Elks National Foundation.


2108 tools for teachers

Warrington Elks Lodge #2108 held another Tools for Teachers event July 10 at the lodge for teachers to come and select school supplies needed for their classrooms. The lodge members had been amazed by the willingness of teachers to reach into their own pockets to purchase additional supplies for their students and wanted to help. Grant Chairman, Linda Erickson, submitted a request for and received a $2,000 Gratitude Grant from the Elks National Foundation. The membership also approved spending an additional $2,000 from the charity account to support the project. Becky Stokes led the effort as chairman and filled her house with all the supplies she was able to purchase. Stokes’ helpers were Rick Wright, Exalted Ruler; Dot Penton, Leading Knight; Pat Prendergast, Loyal Knight; Ann Lewis; Dave Pierce, Trustee; Paul Palmer, PDD; Toni Palmer, PER; and Barbara Steward, Treasurer.

Teachers from kindergarten through fifth grade at Navy Point, Myrtle Grove, Montclair and Bellview schools attended. The four schools were given a certain amount of supplies to split between all the teachers, and then they went to the tables and picked up what they needed for their particular grades. A wide variety of items were available including pencils and bookbags to snacks and basketballs. The teachers truly appreciated everything, and it was a rewarding experience for the lodge knowing they were able to help their community.


2688 school supplies

Members of Destin Elks Lodge #2688 donated supplies to Destin Elementary School using an Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant for children whose families cannot afford their school supplies.


2624 Foster web

On June 9, Crestview Lodge held its annual Foster Children's Day which was attended by dozens of children and their families. The event was run by 24 volunteers who helped make it a fun day for all with a waterslide, bounce house, Captain Davy the Pirate, face-painting and food for all.


2624 Captain Davy web 2624 Reid Soria web

On May 12, Crestview Elks Lodge #2624 held its fifth annual Exceptional Children’s Day for children with special needs and their family as well as the public to celebrate children overcoming adversity. They used a $2,000 Beacon Grant along with $500 in donations. Nineteen volunteer Elks hosted 125 visitors. The Captain Davy Show and Reid Soria of Autism Sings performed for the guests. Children enjoyed a waterslide, bounce house, Lego table and face-painting. Food, drinks and snacks were provided as well.