Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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1795 flag fb

In May 2022, Fort Walton Lodge donated $250 to the Choctawhatchee High School girls’ flag football team. They achieved their status by hard work, extensive play on the field and their overall record for the state of Florida. On behalf of Jim Bay, Choctawhatchee flag football head coach, and Matt Pacheco, assistant head coach, coach Cortland Fuller of Choctawhatchee High School track accepted the check from Kathy Pacheco, lodge trustee. The funds were used for travel and participation for the 18 student athletes who qualified for the state championship meet in Gainesville, Florida, which took place May 13. The girls went all the way to the finals with resounding wins and only came up short a couple of plays in the final game.

Pictured are Kathy Pacheco and Cortland Fuller.


1795 football

In April 2022, Fort Walton Elks Lodge #1795 donated $500 to Future Stars Football Clinic (FSFC), a local youth organization of Okaloosa County, Florida. This annual event is in its fifth year and had approximately 350 participant players 6 to 13 years of age. The donation will help with the purchase of greatly needed football equipment, which will in turn enable young football players to train harder, more efficiently and, most importantly, safely. FSFC believes that sports are a great way to build character, self-esteem, sportsmanship and leadership skills. A proven fact is that kids who participate in sports do better in school and are more likely to have a positive impact on other students and their communities. The FSFC mission is to provide children with an avenue for growth with the hope of long-term community fortification. Christopher Torres, CEO, was very pleased and thankful for the involvement and donation.

Pictured are Paul Eubanks, PER, lodge board chair, and Coach Chris Torres.


                    2108 math 1  2108 math 2

                      2108 math 3  2108 math 4

Warrington Elks Lodge #2108 supported the installation of a multiplication table grid on the patio area of Bellview Elementary School’s multiuse physical education building. Students’ scores on standardized tests dipped significantly in 2021 with the sharpest decline in math scores. The math grid will be used by all students at Bellview Elementary School — pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. It will serve as an engaging tool to increase familiarity and fluency in mathematics. This project was funded by the 2021-2022 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant and a portion of the 2022-2023 Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant. The remainder of the Beacon Grant plus an additional $1,000 from local fundraisers will be used to fund a similar project at a second local elementary school. Bellview very much appreciated this gift and uses it regularly.

Pictured are Rick Wright, PER, lodge grant coordinator, with the sign noting the gift from Warrington Elks Lodge at the school, and the multiplication table sidewalk graphics.


497 crisis

On March 23, Pensacola Beach Lodge presented a check for $3,000 from its charity account to Children in Crisis, an organization that provides foster care and homes for children in the community who have been abused, neglected or abandoned.

Pictured are Dan Smith, Exalted Ruler; Linda Bozorgnia, Children in Crisis board member; and Darrell Gossett, Lecturing Knight.


1795 ball

On Feb. 26, Fort Walton Elks Lodge #1795 held its annual Elks National Foundation (ENF) charity ball, which raised $3,670. Lodge members are grateful to the ENF for all it does and for the financial support it provides not only to the lodge’s community but to lodges around the country as well. The lodge holds this annual ball for members to enjoy and to share a great meal and fellowship. This was the largest turnout in a couple of decades. The popular silent auction with baskets and other items raised the bulk of the funds. Numerous donations were received and attendees felt the love Florida Elks have for the Elks National Foundation.

Pictured are Mark Wynn, Inner Guard; Marcia WrightReynolds, Chaplain; Kevin Clemons, PDD, District Leader and Lodge Esquire; Jamie Clemons, Secretary; Michael ‘Taz’ WrightReynolds, PER; Exalted Ruler; Tom McLaughlin, Loyal Knight; Tom Knowles, PER, trustee; Paul Willey, PER, trustee; Michele Packham, Leading Knight; and Dusty Austin, trustee.


2787 srkh

Holley-Navarre Elks Lodge #2787 uses its lodge legacy charity fund to support the surrounding community by sponsoring the Santa Rosa Kids’ House (SRKH), a child advocacy center that has been serving abused and neglected children in Santa Rosa County, Florida, since 2008. As one of over 700 centers in the United States, the SRKH mission is to provide a well-coordinated multi-disciplined response to child abuse in an environment that puts the needs of the child first. On March 8, Kelly Sander, SRKH Director, gave a presentation at the lodge including the history and mission of the organization and examples and stories of how they assist children who have been abused or neglected. Afterward, the lodge presented SRKH with a check for $500.

Accepting the check are Liz Simmons, board of directors volunteer; Paul Lio, board of directors volunteer and co-founder of SRKH; and Kelly Sander, SRKH Victim Services Program Director. Presenting the check is Ray Yantch, Exalted Ruler.


497 CHS

On Feb. 10, Pensacola Beach Elks Lodge #497 made a $3,000 donation to the Children’s Home Society in Pensacola, Florida. This organization provides childhood and family counseling and adoptive services and support. Making the donation to Cynthia Vick, Children’s Home Society board member, are Scott Field, Leading Knight; Milton Andress, Loyal Knight; and Roy Carlisle, trustee.


On Dec. 17, Pensacola Beach Elks Lodge #497 donated $2,000 from its charity account to Favor House, a local agency providing shelter and counseling to women and children experiencing domestic abuse. Scott Field, Leading Knight, presented the donation to Taylor Ware, counselor at Favor House.


1795 elf

Fort Walton Lodge held its annual children’s Christmas party Dec. 19 and donated gifts for the kids. In attendance were Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus along with several elves, including the most famous elf, Buddy the Elf. The lodge offers this annual Christmas party for children of Elks families who are less fortunate and in need of assistance for celebrating the holidays.

Pictured are Marcia WrightReynolds, chaplain; Mary Barz; Mrs. Claus (Deb Fisher); Buddy the Elf (Taz WrightReynolds, PER, Exalted Ruler); Gaylon Barz; Santa Claus (Roger Fisher, lodge manager); Marcie Tingler, trustee; Mark Wynn, Inner Guard; Diane Winsor, Lecturing Knight; Jamie Clemons, Lodge Secretary; Tom McLaughlin, Loyal Knight; and Boudreaux Schriver, member.


1795 ball

On Dec. 11, Fort Walton Elks Lodge #1795 held its annual charity ball to benefit the Harry-Anna Trust Fund, which supports Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services and the Florida Elks Youth Camp. The event raised $5,355. The lodge holds this annual ball as a way for members to come together to celebrate the holidays and to have another venue to support the Harry-Anna Trust Fund. This year, Plant City Lodge’s Past State President Tom Ludwick and his wife, Joyce, who is the Treasurer & 365 Club Coordinator for the Florida Ladies of Elks, were in attendance, as was Colleen Gallant, PDD, Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services Director. Baskets and items were placed into the silent auction, which raised the bulk of the money.

Pictured with the check are Marcia WrightReynolds, Chaplain; Marcie Tingler, trustee; Dennis Abair, Tiler; Michele Packham, Leading Knight; Jamie Clemons, Lodge Secretary; Paul Willey, PER, trustee; Taz WrightReynolds, PER, Exalted Ruler; Kevin Clemons, PDD, Northwest District Leader; Diane Winsor, Lecturing Knight; Kathy Pacheco, trustee; Jamie Hutchins, treasurer; Tom McLaughlin, Loyal Knight; and Mark Wynn, Inner Guard.


497 wknd

Pensacola Beach Lodge made a $2,000 donation to the Gulf Breeze Weekend Food Program Dec. 13. This program provides food for children in need in Santa Rosa County, Florida. The packages go home with the kids on Fridays so they have food for the weekend. Accepting the donation is Mike Stahl, program director, from Dan Smith, Exalted Ruler.


497 school

On Dec. 16, Pensacola Beach Lodge donated $2,000 to Pensacola Beach Elementary School. Accepting the donation is Susan McLeod, principal, from Dan Smith, Exalted Ruler.