On June 10, Punta Gorda Elks Lodge #2606 hosted a children’s fishing tournament on their long pier in the Charlotte County community. There were 181 children participating with 58 members volunteering their time to register children, cut bait, untangle lines, prepare and serve lunch, take photos, and award prizes. The children competed by age — 2-5, 6-10 and 11-14 — and received medals in each category for first fish caught, longest fish, most fish and most unusual fish. A 5-year-old received a trophy for the most fish caught overall, two. The children and parents were treated to a picnic lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, watermelon and juice boxes. Each child also received their own fishing rod to keep and a backpack that included tackle/lures, a visor, lip balm, coloring book, sunscreen and sunglasses. The event was sponsored by Fishing Franks, who provided rods and tackle at cost; Punta Gorda Isles Fishing Club members Rick Sanders and Mike White, who solicited donations for additional rods and tackle; the Elkettes, who donated $1,500; and the Lodge PER Association, which donated $1,000. The variety of fish caught in the Peace River were redfish, stingray, red snapper, catfish, mango snapper, spadefish and toadfish.
Pictured are kids fishing on the pier and Tom Shoecraft, Exalted Ruler.
On July 5, David Santini, vice president of Hearts and Homes for Veterans Inc., presented a plaque to Fort Myers Elks Lodge #1288 for its generous contributions to Hearts and Homes over the past five years. The plaque thanks the lodge for their continuous support of their mission of "Veterans Helping Veterans." Fort Myers Elks has donated more than $30,000 to Hearts and Homes from both its Elks National Foundation grants and its charity account. Pictured is David Santini, Hearts and Homes for Veterans vice president, presenting the plaque to John Beckett, Exalted Ruler.
On June 15, Punta Gorda Elks Lodge #2606 hosted a blood drive with One Blood, organized by Ambrose Yelovich, PER, chaplain, who has achieved super donor status. At this event, 20 members each donated a pint of blood. One pint saves three lives, so this day equated to 60 lives eventually being saved.
Pictured are Lori O'Brien, One Blood account representative, and super donors Patricia Donovan (7 gallons, 1 pint), Douglas Donovan (8 gallons, 1 pint) and Ambrose Yelovich, PER (26 gallons, 7 pints).
Fort Myers Lodge held its Flag Day ceremony June 10, with the Vietnam Brotherhood Bravo Unit displaying the history of the American flag, showcasing eight versions. In gratitude for their participation in the ceremony, officers presented a $500 donation to the brotherhood for their scholarship program. pictured are the unit showcasing the flags. Also pictured is trustee Richard Conley, PDD presenting the donation to the commander of the unit.
On May 23, Greater Pine Island Lodge purchased 30 STOP THE BLEED® kits for Pine Island Elementary School using $800 from its charitable trust. STOP THE BLEED® encourages teachers to be trained, equipped and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. STOP THE BLEED® is one of the nation’s largest public health campaigns. Its goal is to save lives by training people across the country how to stop traumatic bleeding. Pictured are Corporal Wilfred Rivera, school safety officer; Judy Hopkins, PER, Exalted Ruler; Jack Rovaldi, PER; Everett Goodwin III, PER; and Dr. Tom Millins, principal.