Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
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1224 cake

On Nov. 3, the St. Petersburg Ladies of Elks Auxiliary and lodge held their annual USA show and veterans appreciation dinner honoring the dedicated men and women of service of all our United States Armed Forces who served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the first Gulf War and beyond. The show’s theme was "A Walk through the 1940s” and was a full-scale patriotic event paying tribute to our military. The evening provided a look back at the war with music, skits, food and entertainment. Presentation of colors and the Pledge of Allegiance were led by veterans of the Korean War Color Guard Chapter 14. There was also a parade of military flags carried by veterans who had served in those branches. The co-chairs for this event were Dolly Masi, PLP and Adella Ashton, PLP along with emcee Bob "Rudy Masi, PDD" Hope.

Attendees included retired Major General Jack O’Connor and his wife, Andrea, and C. W. Bill Young VAMC guests Nathan Dewitt, Chief of Voluntary Services; 10 veterans; and their driver. Ervin Stark, an Elk from Largo Lodge #2159, was the oldest veteran present. He is 96 years old and had the honor of cutting the cake representing all branches of our military. Representing our youngest veteran was 35-year-old Jennifer Perron, U.S. Army, who served in Iraq in 2004 and was one of the guest veterans from the VAMC. Stark served cake to Perron as a symbol of the oldest veteran passing on his knowledge from the old to the new and emphasizing that he cares for our young before he looks to his own needs. Proceeds from this event and several others held during the October will benefit C. W. Bill Young VAMC and the Florida State Elks Association Historical Programs partnership.