Merritt Island Lodge used a $3,500 Beacon Grant from the Elks National Foundation to support the Challenger District Day Camp. This is a program where Cub Scouts (girls & boys) have access to a local camp in their county to learn scout skills.
Merritt Island Elks Lodge #2650 recently held their annual kids’ fishing tournament. PER Nick Skibba was the event chairman. This year it was held at the Veterans Memorial Center and they had 130 participants. Prizes were awarded to the boys and girls in three age groups.
Port Orange Lodge prepared and delivered about 70 meals to low-income senior citizens in the Port Orange area on Memorial Day, May 28. The Council on Aging does not work on all holidays so over the past 30 years, lodge members have been providing this service. Every year, on average, the Elks prepare and deliver over 500 meals with 184 volunteers who spend over 500 hours and drive 1,600 miles delivering meals.
Port Orange Lodge hosted a 90th birthday party for Don Rambert who has been the chairman of this worthwhile community service. The members made a large donation to the Council on Aging Meals on Wheels program knowing that it would touch the heart of every giving person and honor Rambert for his years of dedicated community service.
Front right: Don Rambert, Chairman
Port Orange Elks Lodge #2723 recognizes worthy students every month by presenting them with a Student of the Month award. Pictured with Spruce Creek High School Principal, Dr. Todd Sparger, are Jose Lora and Mira Gladstone. Also pictured are Guidance Counselor, Carrie Cappiello; Louise Lauthain; and Paul Leonard, Scholarship Chairman.