Bradenton Lodge hosted a Southwest District blood drive May 13 in honor of State President Dan Tabor. The lodge coordinated with Life South Community Blood Center and Moffitt Cancer Center. There were 14 pints of whole blood and 1 pint of plasma collected.
Pictured are Becky Wright, Life South supervisor; Dave Gillum, District Vice President; Rachel Tabor, Dan Tabor’s wife; and Sherie Gillum, Venice-Nokomis Lodge Exalted Ruler.
Palmetto Elks Lodge #2449 donated $6,000 from its Elks National Foundation Beacon and Spotlight grants to One Child More, an organization that helps feed, clothe and house foster children and foster families at no cost to the families. This organization has built six homes for individual families in the past two years and is in the process of building two more to house foster families. One Child More has literacy programs to help children read and they send COVID-19 medications where needed.
Pictured are Linda Beck, Lecturing Knight; Tom Gafner, trustee; Helen Sexton, Secretary; Steve Baker, Exalted Ruler; Kitty Flournoy, Inner Guard; Kenneth Beery, Tiler; Tim Boyd, One Child More director; Len Meade, PER; Lorraine Baker, grants coordinator; and Lorraine McGee, chaplain.
Lakewood Ranch-Sarasota Lodge held a Kentucky Derby fundraiser May 6 for the Elks National Foundation, collecting $1,262. The event consisted of bar horse racing games, appetizers, a food buffet, best hat competitions and the live derby race.
Pictured are a few members displaying their hats.
On April 16, Lakewood Ranch-Sarasota Lodge sponsored a car show and luncheon and invited community members to attend. In addition to raising more than $4,800 for the general lodge fund by selling food, 50/50 tickets and gift bag raffles, they gained two new members.
Pictured are Faith Frost, Exalted Ruler; Frank Farino, best original winner; and Dave Freeman, lodge member and car show emcee.
On April 15, Lakewood Ranch-Sarasota Lodge hosted a golf tournament at Tara Preserve in Bradenton, Florida, which is down the road from the lodge, for members and their friends. The event featured a day of golfing, including a money hole, as well as a luncheon at the lodge, an auction, a 50/50 drawing and a gift bag raffle. A total of $5,821.22 was raised for the lodge’s charity funds.
Pictured are the golf tournament committee team — Mike Lindhardt, Kevin and Marge Burke, and Ron and Lori Webber.
On April 16 during a car show held at Lakewood Ranch-Sarasota Elks Lodge #2855, members held a stuff-the-truck fundraiser for Elks Feeding Empty Little Tummies. They received $1,000 worth of much-needed food for children and $600 in monetary donations from visitors to the show.
Pictured are EFELT volunteers and lodge members Paul Reddy, Brian Dunne and Jack Jernigan.
On March 11, Manasota Elks Past Exalted Rulers held a fundraiser for Hooves with H.E.A.R.T. (Horse Education and Riding Therapy). Their mission is to provide support and hope to individuals with special needs through equine-assisted activities and riding. The lodge raised $2,405 for their programs.
Pictured at the donation presentation are (front row) Carol Sirianni, PDD; Pam McDowell, PER, president of Manasota PER Association; Danielle Curtis, president of Hooves with H.E.A.R.T.; and Doris Waddell, PDD. In the second row are Ken Davis, PDD; Jim Klocke, PER; and Dale Steinke, PER.
Palmetto Elks Lodge #2449 received a check for $800 and a plaque from the Manatee Power & Sail Squadron Feb. 12. The plaque thanked the lodge “for their continued support over the years and for 2022/3 in providing us with meeting spaces for various squadron functions and public boating courses. We look forward to many more years of working together. Again, our thanks and appreciation from the Manatee Power & Sail Squadron.” Pictured is Steve Baker, Exalted Ruler, receiving the check and plaque from Myles Gee, Commander.
On March 23, Lakewood Ranch-Sarasota Lodge presented certificates to the lodge Americanism essay contest winners. The theme was "What is Your American Dream?"
Pictured are Aly H.; Kaitlyn R.; Ally H.; Frank Iannello, Exalted Ruler; Lena L.; Nautica B.; Catherine P.; and Kathy Dattilo, Lodge Americanism Chair.
On March 4, Lakewood Ranch-Sarasota Lodge held a vendor fair and breakfast to raise money for Hooves with H.E.A.R.T., which provides riding therapy for those with special needs. Proceeds came from vendors’ rental space fees, a 50/50, and donations made by members and visitors. A total of $1,016 was raised.
Pictured are Ginny Pellizzaro, left, and LeeAnn Reich, right, Hooves with H.E.A.R.T. volunteers, with member Sarah Davis, event coordinator.
On Feb. 11, Lakewood Ranch-Sarasota Elks Lodge #2855 hosted a fundraising luau party, which featured authentic Hawaiian food, hula dancers and music. A total of $3,385 was raised for the Harry-Anna Trust Fund. Pictured are event chairs Kevin Burke, Lecturing Knight, and Marge Burke.
Bradenton Elks Lodge #1511 hosted a children's Christmas party Dec. 10. There were 21 local families in attendance and 49 children received gift bags and lunch with Santa.
Pictured is Maddie Gordon whispering her wish list to Santa.