On April 18, Port Orange Lodge presented a check for $350 to the Alzheimer’s Association of Volusia County. Funds for this donation were secured from a special raffle held at the lodge’s Friday bingo event.
Pictured are Mindy Neto, Alzheimer’s Association development manager, and Bette Dealey, Friday bingo chairperson and Loyal Knight.
On April 4, Port Orange Lodge made a $400 donation to the Atlantic High School band in Port Orange, Florida. The donation will be used to purchase a new instrument trailer. This money was raised from a special raffle held at the lodge’s Friday bingo event.
Pictured are Jeremy Blackwell, Atlantic High School band director, and Bette Dealey, Loyal Knight and Friday Bingo Chair.
On April 1, Port Orange Lodge donated $500 to the Port Orange YMCA. The YMCA opened its facility earlier this year to allow the Brotherhood Ride riders to shower and refresh themselves. They also allowed the use of their basketball court for the annual lodge Hoop Shoot contest.
Pictured are Ginni Heirs, Port Orange YMCA executive director, and Gary VanOpdorp, PER, Lodge and Regional Hoop Shoot Chair.
On April 1 at the officer installation and award dinner, Port Orange Elks Lodge #2723 presented Finn Hinman, of Port Orange, with a basketball and recognition to thank him for his two-year participation in the annual Elks Hoop Shoot contest.
Pictured are Gary VanOpdorp, PER, and Finn Hinman.
On March 3, Palm Coast Lodge donated $6,500 from its Elks National Foundation Beacon and Gratitude grants to the Family Life Center, an organization that provides essential support services to individuals and families to end domestic and sexual violence.
Pictured are Rob Kronen, trustee; Pete Lehnertz, trustee; Danielle Pierro, Esteemed Leading Knight; Bill Hall, trustee; Ralph Dodge, PER; Trish Giaconne, Family Life Center CEO; Bob Williams, Exalted Ruler; Jim Wall, member; Crissy Clancy, Secretary; Brad Lake, Loyal Knight; and Theresa Cirelli, trustee.