Merritt Island Elks Lodge #2650 is using its $4,000 Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant to help area residents with food and utility bills through the local chapter of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVdP). Several members of the Elks are also members of SVdP.
Pictured July 25 are lodge members Kim Johnson and Len Brown preparing to deliver food to those in need.
DeLand Elks Lodge #1463 sponsored and hosted a luncheon and backpack giveaway July 23 for Children's Cancer Foundation (CCF). CCF, located in DeLand, Florida, provides medical and financial support for children with cancer and their families. In attendance at the lodge luncheon were 45 children, parents and family members along with six members of the CCF staff and six Elks. The lodge sponsorship included $500 for the backpacks and the lunch.
Pictured fourth from the left with CCF representatives is Laura Jones, Leading Knight.
On June 20, DeLand Lodge made a $450 donation to New Horizons Dog Training, based in Volusia County, Florida, which trains and provides service dogs to those who need them. The lodge also provided the use of their lodge to use as a sort of classroom to introduce the dogs to their new owners. At graduation, they take the dogs and their new owners to Volusia Mall to mingle in a crowded real-world environment to make sure folks can handle their new dogs in a crowded place.
Pictured is the most recent graduating class of dogs and recipients and staff from New Horizons.
On May 7, Nick Skibba, PER of Merritt Island Lodge organized a kids’ fun day. There were 103 kids and 30 Elks in attendance. The event included bounce houses, face painting and rock painting. Sheriff Ivey was there and an Army truck was giving free rides. The day also included music, hot dogs and hamburgers.
Merritt Island Elks Lodge #2650 held one of two annual first responder PER dinners April 29. The dinners allow the members to meet the first responders of Brevard County. The lodge paid for dinner.
Attendees pictured outside the lodge are Deputy Martinez, Deputy Brown, Firefighter Ibaney, Firefighter Uzel, Lt. Stephenson, Deputy Crawford and Corporal Jenning.