The DeLand Elks Lodge Past Exalted Rulers (PER) Association awarded $5,000 in scholarships to local graduates. Funds were raised from the lodge's annual PER golf tournament. Scholarships were presented to the graduates at the lodge's annual barbecue for veterans and first responders June 4.
Pictured are Tom Hopp, PER and Dean Yeager, PER with Joan Fannin and Joshua Brannon for $2,500 each to further their education at Daytona State College.
Also on March 26, Titusville Lodge presented checks to two deserving groups using funds from the lodge’s Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant. Liberty Lodge Ministries, a program in Titusville, Florida, for men with alcohol and drug addiction, received $2,000. The Women's Center in Titusville, Florida, which addresses the needs of women, men and children who faced trauma related to domestic violence and sexual assault, was given $1,500.
Catherine Simkins, Exalted Ruler, is pictured with Lance Lance Milam and Damian Josephson from Liberty Lodge and Ashley Wong from the Women's Center.
On March 26, Sanford Lodge hosted an Elks National Foundation (ENF) fish fry fundraiser. The lodge showcased ENF material at each table and had slideshows scrolling with information about ENF. All food was donated by guests and members. A total of $912 was raised and will be donated to the Elks National Foundation.
Pictured in the kitchen is the cooking crew — Natalia Cadoura; Mike Ambort, guest; A. Bart Peterson, District Vice President; Jimmy Williams, guest; Jeff Bales, PER; Jim Rowan; Danny Horn; and Ellen Peterson, spouse.
Using its $2,000 Elks National Foundation Spotlight Grant, its $3,500 Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant and the $3,500 matching Beacon Grant funds from the Florida State Elks Association, Sanford Lodge donated a total of $9,000 March 3 to Midway Safe Harbor. This organization feeds more than 150 children a day and enhances the regular school day through high-quality academic and personal enrichment in the areas of reading, mathematics and science.
Pictured are Bill Klinefelter, Inner Guard; Michael Bartz, House Committee chair; Libby Jett, member; Lisa Lindstrom, Leading Knight; Jeff Rumler, PDD, Lodge Secretary; Quin Byrd, Midway Safe Harbor site-based lead; Bert Wofford, PER, trustee; Bart Peterson, District Vice President; Larry Carver, Tiler; Bo Lindstrom, PER, Exalted Ruler; and Alex McKibbin, PDD, treasurer.
For more than 60 years, Sanford Elks Lodge #1241 has sponsored two Little League teams in Sanford, Florida. This year, the lodge is sponsoring the T-ball Cardinals and the Rookie Red Sox teams. The sponsorship includes funds to cover the cost of uniforms, equipment and fees for the kids to play ball. On Feb. 16, Jeff Rumler, PDD, Lodge Secretary (red shirt) and Bo Lindstrom, PER, Exalted Ruler (orange shirt), attended the City of Sanford’s Little League Opening Day 2022. They are pictured with the players and coaches.