Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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On May 22, Zephyrhills Lodge used their Elks National Foundation Freedom Grant to purchase and deliver supplies for the Tampa Domiciliary including two laptop computers, Microsoft Office software for all the computers in the resident computer room, and polo shirts and shoes for the residents. The Tampa Domiciliary serves over 100 homeless veterans each year.

2731 Freedom

Pictured are Ronald McDermott; Ken Fabiani, Exalted Ruler; Ginny Bennett; Mark A. Ruiz, PhD, ABPP, Program Manager; and Judy Osgood, ENF grants chairman for Zephyrhills Lodge’s delivery to the Tampa Domiciliary. Also attending the presentation but not pictured was Roy Leonard, Nurse Manager.


The Treasure Coast Homeless Veterans Stand Down was held May 17 at Veterans Memorial Park in Fort Pierce, Fla. Fort Pierce Elks Lodge #1520 had a booth and used an Elks National Foundation Freedom Grant to purchase tents, supplies, personal-care items and food. Every homeless veteran received one of everything available in the 30 booths including free meals, legal services, health screenings, employment services, and help with accessing VA benefits and services. Transportation was provided and the place was packed. Everything was given away to the homeless veterans. It was a very rewarding event for the lodge and the volunteers.

1520 Stand Down web

During a veterans Stand Down, Lenny Smallacombe, PDD and Trisha Swayngim, PER from Fort Pierce Lodge speak to a representative from social services and a writer from “Veterans Voices,” a magazine about local veterans events in St. Lucie County.

 1520 Woods web

With the funds from the Freedom Grant left over after the Stand Down event, Fort Pierce Elks donated tents, flashlights, bug spray and personal items for homeless veterans living in the woods.


On May 28, St. Petersburg Lodge celebrated Memorial Day by taking part in the National Moment of Remembrance, an act signed in 2000 by President William Clinton which designates 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day each year as the National Moment of Remembrance in honor of the men and women of the United States who died in the pursuit of freedom and peace. After the one minute of silence, “God Bless America” was played by the Southern Nights Band and sang by all present.

1224 Memorial Day web

St. Petersburg Exalted Ruler, Cathy Shriver, asked everyone to observe a moment of silence on Memorial Day. Eric Matos held the American flag.


2781 Snyder web

Greater Pine Island Elks Lodge #2781 honored WWII veteran Ed Snyder at the lodge Flag Day ceremony by designating a special parking place for him. Snyder served as a bombardier on B-24s and flew 30 missions over Nazi Germany and France.


2781 Weigh in web

The American Military Vets were on hand to weigh fish at the Greater Pine Island Elks Lodge’s first fishing tournament. Thirty-seven fishermen took part in this one-day tournament which raised over $900 for the lodge’s veterans programs.


Jupiter Elks Lodge #2469 is hard at work putting various grants into action including feeding veterans and their families assisted by the Renewal Coalition. The lodge also made a $1,000 donation to assist Wreaths Across America. Jupiter Elks Lodge was also awarded $19,700 from Home Depot to help fix up the lodge for all the great work the Elks do for veterans.