On Feb. 26, Clewiston Elks Lodge #1853 provided more than 90 backpacks with school supplies to the Joseph Project 863 Inc., whose volunteer mentoring program provides assistance to low-income workers, under-unemployed individuals and newly graduating high school students. Pictured is lodge member Anna Alvarez and Jackie McGriff Young from the Joseph Project 863.
Clewiston Elks hosted a silent auction March 29 to benefit the Clewiston Friends of Animals, a nonprofit organization aiming to help the overpopulation of strays in the community and to help reduce the homeless animal population in Clewiston.
Pictured is an auction item.
Jupiter Lodge hosted breakfast with the Easter Bunny for local children March 30. The children had one-on-one time and photos with the Easter Bunny, along with Easter crafts.
Pictured are the event volunteers.
On March 7, Jupiter Lodge shared its Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant by donating $1,000 to Busch Wildlife Sanctuary. Pictured is Amy Wright, executive director. The lodge also donated $1,500 to Choice to Change, whose primary goal is to assist youth, adults or families with life struggles.
On March 10, Eagle Scout Kyle Rogers from Boy Scout Troop #199 received the Elks Eagle Scout Award at the troop’s Scout of Honor ceremony from West Palm Beach Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler, Larry Quick.