Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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                                    1853 1 1853 2

Clewiston Elks Lodge #1853 partnered with the local United Cerebral Palsy Foundation Chapter (UCP) to plan and deliver an unforgettable Christmas experience for local clients with cerebral palsy. UCP staff members helped their clients write their Christmas wish list to Santa. Clewiston Elks then displayed the wish lists on an Angel Tree, and members to selected a list to shop for that client. Within a week, all of the lists were selected, and within another few weeks, all of the Secret Santas returned with many gifts for the clients. On Dec. 20, the Elks invited the UCP clients and Secret Santas to dinner and to visit with the real Santa. Each of the UCP clients got to visit individually with Santa and received a stocking full of goodies before receiving their wish list gifts. Linda Allen, lodge trustee, chaired the event. Lodge member Renaldy Tapia, aka DJ Rey, provided music for the event.

Pictured with Santa (member Mike O’Rourke) are UCP clients Clarence “Sweetie Boy” Harmon and Ruth Bailey.


 2469 Tukrey

Jupiter Elks Lodge’s annual Haunted Lodge was held Oct. 28-29 and more than 1,000 public spectators dared to enter the festive fundraiser, which was staged and decorated by students competing to win the competition. They also received community service hours for participating.

The week before Thanksgiving, Jupiter Lodge members delivered turkey meals to 120 local families in need.



Florida Elks Children’s Therapy Services CHAMP of the Year, Jasper Bobilin, and her Uncle Johnathan, joined Jupiter Elks Lodge #2469 for lunch at Dubois Park overlooking the Jupiter Lighthouse during the State President’s visit to the Southeast District July 22-23. Lunch was served by Boy Scout Troop 109. During the president’s visit, the group visit Busch Wildlife Sanctuary, a nonprofit wildlife hospital and educational facility. Pictured are State President Danny Tabor, Johnathan Logan, Jasper’s uncle and a veteran; Jasper Bobilin, CHAMP of the Year; Cindy Eldred, District Vice President; and First Lady Rachel Tabor.


1352 gold

On Aug. 6, West Palm Beach Elks Lodge #1352 held a dinner dance to support the Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization. They enjoyed a terrific meal put on by George Zocchi, PDVP and danced the afternoon away to the beats of DJ Brett Hand. Everyone had a great time. 

Pictured are Tina Boisse, member; Conner Pulver; Eric Boisse, Exalted Ruler; and Ann Moretti, house committee member.


1853 belen

On Sept. 13, Belen Moncada placed first in the U-8 girls’ category and was the top overall scorer for girls at Clewiston Lodge’s Soccer Shoot. Winners advance from lodge to district to regional Soccer Shoots, all in Clewiston, before moving on to the state Soccer Shoot at the Florida Elks Youth Camp in Umatilla Jan. 7.

Pictured is a smiling Belen showing her two medals.