Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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2284 pin

On June 12, New Port Richey Lodge members donated 150 veteran's creed cards, American flag pins and stars cut from retired American flags mounted to thank you cards for a public veterans' pinning ceremony, which was held at a local funeral home. These were given to all the veterans attending the ceremony, and the remaining items were distributed to veterans in local long-term care facilities. The lodge was the only organization besides the funeral home to donate something and was publicly acknowledged for the contribution. Many veterans and members of the public attended. Veterans received a certificate of honor and two pins. The Young Marines presented the colors and government and military dignitaries made speeches. It ended with the playing of taps and was followed by a catered lunch.

Pictured are Elizabeth Groves, lodge member; veteran Victor Pence; and Fred Spages, PER. All are Air Force veterans.