Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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Florida State Elks Association Inc.
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1529 council

On Oct. 17, the Veterans Council of Highlands County held its first awards luncheon. Bert Horwitz, PDD was named Sebring Elks Veteran of the Year and Ronna Mason, PER was named Sebring Elks Non-Veteran of the Year. Pictured are Lodge Veterans Services Committee members: Ronna Mason, PER; Brenda Walton; Bert Horwitz, PDD; Diane Morse; and Ron Schilffarth. Walton presented 50 $40 Publix gift cards to Glenn West, council president. They will be given to veterans in need to go along with turkeys for their Thanksgiving meal, which is being provided by the council. The cards were purchased using the Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant. 


2284 fisher

Representing New Port Richey Elks Lodge #2284, Veterans Services Committee member Elizabeth Groves attended the dedication of a new Fisher House Oct. 21. This house is part of the Bay Pines Veterans Administration and will provide a home away from home for families of veterans who are inpatients at the C.W. Bill Young VA Medical Center. Groves presented 30 veterans with veterans' creed cards and stars cut from retired American flags mounted to thank you cards. In recognition of the Elks' support and contribution to the veterans at the affair, Groves was presented with a commemorative Fisher House challenge coin by David Coker, president of the Fisher House Foundation.

Pictured are Veterans Services Committee members John Holbert, a Navy veteran, and Elizabeth Groves.


1578 halloween

On Oct. 19, six members and guests of Eustis Elks Lodge #1578 made their monthly visit to Fort McCoy Veterans Village. This month’s theme was a Halloween party. There were 45 residents who attended the lunch, which included games and treats. The event was funded by the ENVSC Freedom Grant.

Pictured are Elk Ann Marks, veteran Duffy and Elk Darla Orr.


2855 stand

On Oct. 3, Lakewood Ranch-Sarasota Elks Lodge #2855 donated its $2,000 Elks National Foundation Spotlight Grant to Turning Points to purchase food for their Stand Down, held Nov. 4.

Pictured are Andy Guyre, Turning Points manager, and Tom Sweeney, Lodge Veterans Services Chair.


221 mac

On Sept. 2, Jacksonville Lodge delivered its eighth ENVSC Welcome Home Kit to veteran Maclyde. Karen Tracy, Veterans Services Chair, and David Graham, Exalted Ruler, delivered a couch, bed, lamps, nightstand, end table, TV stand, bar stools and a dresser along with many other household items. The mattress was purchased using ENVSC Welcome Home Kit funds, and the box spring and bed frame were donated by member Susan Kelly. The dresser, nightstand, end table and tv stand were donated from Our Father’s Housewares Ministry and the lodge donated the bar stools.

Pictured are David Graham and Maclyde.



Perry Elks Lodge #1851 used the Elks National Foundation $1,000 Spark Freedom Grant to buy a new set of clothes and shoes for 14 veteran residents at a local nursing home Sept. 11. Additional funding of $25 was deposited in each veteran’s trust account for their personal use for items not included in their day-to-day care. They also held a social for the veterans, which included a brief presentation of the flags along with a military-themed cake donated by Kim Stephens from Perry First Assembly of God, ice cream, snacks and punch. The veterans enjoyed their special occasion, which was put on by lodge officers.

Pictured are veterans and members attending the social.



During a visit from State President Joe Cooper Sept. 9, Sebastian Elks Lodge #2714 presented a Fresh Start kit to be given to new residents at the Veterans Transition Facility in Melbourne, Florida. These kits are being made using funds from the Elks National Foundation Spotlight Grant and members’ donations. Each kit contains the basic necessities upon arrival, including a twin sheet set, blanket or comforter, pillow, personal hygiene items, bath towels and washcloths, all provided in a duffle bag. The facility is a temporary shelter for veterans and their immediate family members experiencing homelessness. There are 10 apartments housing two veterans or one family per apartment. The facility’s purpose is to provide temporary housing while they search for work, and once employed, to save enough money to acquire more permanent housing and transportation. 

Pictured are Mary Ducharme, Ladies Treasurer; Dan Talbott, Exalted Ruler; Mirissa Napolitano, Veterans Transitional Facility director; State President Joe Cooper; and Michael Schodlbauer, PDD, Lodge Veterans Chair.


              2817 hono 2817 coalition

On Sept. 26, led by member Kasha Harrell, Viera Elks Lodge #2817 and some of its Antlers youth volunteers partnered with Cocoa Elks Lodge to prepare 150 lunches for the Honor Flight orientation and for the Coalition of Veterans Organization. Honor Flight takes veterans to Washington, D.C., to view their monuments. The coalition is a group of individuals and member organizations whose purpose is to advocate and educate veterans and the public on issues that impact veterans and their families.

Pictured are Kasha Harrell; Antlers Bella Wessel and Janey Vargas; William Orblych, PDD; and Antlers Jake Vargas, Kody Wessel and Evan Enrique. Also pictured are Daniel Mogob, Cocoa Lodge Exalted Ruler; Wendy Carns, District Vice President; and William Orblych, PDD, Viera Lodge Exalted Ruler.



On Aug. 11, Green Cove Springs Elks Lodge #1892 hosted representatives from K9s for Warriors to visit with members and explain how the organization provides support for veterans. They train and provide service dogs for veterans with PTSD and other challenges. The lodge donated $2,500 to them as well, which was funded through the lodge's Past Exalted Rulers bingo and the Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant. 

Pictured are Ed Weston, PER, PER chair; Lynn Elrod, Exalted Ruler; Penny Kunze, lodge member and K9s volunteer; Stephanie Vogt, K9s community relations manager; Rick Kunze, PER, lodge member and K9s volunteer; Carol Thorsen-Hood, K9s puppy raiser, with Nash; and Susan Aews, K9s puppy raiser, with Rocky.


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On Aug. 25, Jupiter Elks Lodge #2469 member Ken Barr delivered a care package to a veteran who recently transitioned from homelessness into an apartment. The package consisted of new sheets, towels, dishes, pots and pans, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items, and a new wheelchair. The care package was purchased using funds from the Elks National Veterans Service Commission Focus Grant.

Pictured are the son of Navy veteran Helen Cobb, Navy veteran Helen Cobb, and lodge member Ken Barr. Also pictured are items from the care package.


Using the full amount of the Elks National Veterans Service Commission $10,000 Focus Grant, Miami Elks Lodge #948 purchased baby supplies for 40 women veterans, either currently pregnant or who have had a baby within the past year. On Sept. 7, lodge members took 10 women to a Target store. On Sept. 14, they took another 30 women. Lodge volunteers Sharon Miller Weiss, Jody Impellizzeri, Pauly DeBeche, Maribel and Miguel Rodriguez, Mary Ellen Gomez, and Ashley Rodriguez helped make this happen, along with Andrea Miller of the Miami VA Healthcare System.


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On Sept. 4 in honor of Labor Day, Donald Soderblom, Sanford Lodge Veterans Services Chair, along with his wife, Kathy, and daughters, Amy Hefner and Jody Jensen, donated their time to cook and serve 54 veterans and eight staff members at the Lake Baldwin VA Domiciliary. The facility provided the food — chicken, hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans and watermelon.

Pictured are Donald Soderblom cooking at the grill; veterans patiently waiting; and Kathy Soderblom, Amy Hefner, Jody Jensen, and a VA staff member serving a veteran.