Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
Entire contents copyright 2023 by the
Florida State Elks Association Inc.
P.O. Box 49
Umatilla, FL 32784-0049

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2383 linda 2383 julie

Brandon Elks Lodge #2383 held its quarterly drive-thru food collection June 25. Brandon Ladies of Elks member Linda Craft filled in for Sharon Hammersla, PDD and teamed with Robin Rutzke, lodge officer and Brandon Ladies of Elks member, to collect 238 pounds of food, valued at approximately $404. The food was donated by 23 Elks and three non-Elks. These quarterly drive-thru collections were started by Rutzke and Hammersla during the pandemic in 2020 as a safe and easy way for members to continue to support their community, and the collections continue today because of member support. The food is donated to the Nativity Food Bank, which distributes it to those in need as well as to other food banks. Brandon Ladies of Elks member Julie Ebert also volunteers at food band was at the warehouse to accept the donations.

Pictured are Linda Craft, Robin Rutzke and Julie Ebert.


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For the 10th year and using its $2,000 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant, Sebring Lodge was a sponsor for the Highlands Lakeside Theatre Children's Summer Camp. There were 68 children ages eight through 18 at this four-week session. The goals of the camp are to "teach and appreciate the arts, grow in personal confidence, develop effective communication skills, become problem solvers, and to collaborate well with others." A play is performed as the last part of the program. This year's play was titled “Zanadu Jr.,” and members Judy Hanson, Becca Carpenter, and Jim and Ronna Mason represented the lodge at the show. 

Pictured presenting the check with the group behind them are Jonathan Spiegel, Exalted Ruler; Tracy Schuknecht, theatre director; and Judy Hanson, PER, Secretary.


1529 jrotc

On June 15, Sebring Lodge donated $200 to the Sebring JROTC and thanked them for their assistance with the Florida Elks state golf tournament dinner. The Air Force JROTC program teaches citizenship and life skills and air and space fundamentals; promotes community service; and instills responsibility, character, and self-discipline through character education.

Dennis Green, retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant accepts the check from Jim Mason, PDD.


2383 titles

Brandon Elks Lodge #2383 used its Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant along with the Florida State Elks Association matching funds to support five local Title 1 schools. The lodge has a long history of supporting and interacting with their local schools and used this grant donation as another opportunity to build a stronger community. On March 4, Sharon Hammersla, District Deputy and Brandon Lodge’s grant coordinator, accompanied by Mary Lou Scribner, PER, met with the five school principals and delivered checks for $1,400 each. The schools that received these donations were Willis Peters Exceptional Center in Dover, Lopez Exceptional Center and Seffner Elementary School in Seffner, and Mintz Elementary School and Yates Elementary School in Brandon.

Pictured at Yates Elementary School are Lisa Varnum, principal/administrator; Mary Lou Scribner, PER; Sharon Hammersla, District Deputy and lodge grant coordinator; and Vaniece Johnson, social worker.


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On Jan. 6, Sebring Elks Lodge #1529 delivered 15 boxes of canned goods and nonperishable items along with clothing and toys to the Avon Park Hands for Homeless program in Avon Park, Florida. These items were collected during the Monday night Elks charitable bingo program. During the delivery, Wainetta Holmes, Exalted Ruler, and Diane Morse, Loyal Knight, observed the program on a very busy morning. In one area, more than 200 hot meals were being prepared and distributed throughout the community. Many could be seen walking and bicycling to the site. In another area, clients received much-needed clothing and household items from the Treasure Box. In a third area, boxes of perishable food items were being packed for distribution into vehicles that were lined up with trunks open to receive them. This past summer, the program received funds from the lodge to purchase a refrigerator for use in preparing and storing perishable items and meals for distribution. The funds were also used to purchase produce and provide a produce distribution site. The lodge will continue to assist this program and others in battling food insecurities in the area.

Pictured is member Joe Stockenberg with a vehicle packed with donations.

Also pictured are Diane Morse, Loyal Knight, and Wainetta Holmes, Exalted Ruler, on delivery day.