On Dec. 13, Sebring Elks Lodge #1529 presented approximately 80 pieces of jewelry to Sebring Middle School to be used as gifts for their Christmas store. Florida Elks Charities provided the jewelry, which was donated from a vendor for Elks lodges to use for raising funds or providing them to a charitable cause. The school has a "Show Your Blue" program, which rewards good behavior year-round. Teachers give rewards when they witness BLUE characteristics — “B” for good behavior, “L” for level headedness, “U” for understanding and “E” for effort. These tickets can be used throughout the year for special considerations. At this time of year, gifts from their Christmas store can be purchased with these tickets.
Pictured are Diane Morse, Loyal Knight, and Gwen Clark, Lecturing Knight.
On Sept. 22, members of Sebring Lodge delivered 15 boxes of canned goods and other nonperishable food items to the Hands for Homeless program in Avon Park, Florida. The lodge has been partnering with this program for over a year. The program helps alleviate food insecurities within the community. The bulk of items collected were donated by the lodge's Monday night charity bingo players.
Pictured with Diane Morse, Loyal Knight, is Tammy Figuereo, the Hands for Homeless communication coordinator, who estimated that the donation would be enough to meet the needs of 86 clients in the food assistance program.
Also pictured loading the food for delivery are Buddy Richards, Inner Guard, and Jonathan Spiegel, Exalted Ruler.
The quarterly Brandon Lodge drive-thru food collection was held Aug. 27. Robin Rutzke; Sharon Hammersla, PDD; Linda Craft; Sandie Pelkey (lodge member and Craft’s daughter); and Mary Lou Scribner, PER arrived at 8 a.m. to accept donations. Twenty-two Elks members and seven non-members dropped off bags and boxes of food donations. One member gave a cash donation of $204.11 which Hammersla used to shop for additional food. In total, the lodge donated 507 pounds of food valued at more than $1,000. Lodge member Charlene Hart volunteers at the food bank and was happy to accept this donation that Hammersla delivered. Nativity Food Bank was thrilled to receive it, as their shelves were getting dangerously low on supplies. At the drive-thru, a member also dropped off a trunk full of National Geographic and other magazines which Rutzke will donate to the James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital.
Pictured at the drive-thru are Sharon Hammersla, PDD; Linda Craft; Sandie Pelkey; and Mary Lou Scribner, PER. Charlene Hart accepts the donations at Nativity Food Bank from Sharon Hammersla, PDD.
On Aug. 5, Sebring Elks Lodge #1529 presented a $6,000 check to Hands for Homeless Inc., a nonprofit organization in Avon Park, Florida, whose goal is to serve healthy meals to families in need in Highlands County. In May, they served 4,735 meals, and the need keeps growing. The lodge procured both the Spotlight and Beacon grants from the Elks National Foundation to help Hands for Homeless purchase a much-needed used truck, as their current truck has been repaired with duct tape.
Pictured at the check presentation are Ronna Mason, PER; Jonathan Spiegel, Exalted Ruler; Jane Breylinger, executive director; Jacob Lyons, chef; Diane Morse, Loyal Knight; Ed Rivere, truck driver; Tamara Figueroa, communications coordinator; and Paul Bermudez, volunteer.
Brandon Elks Lodge #2383 made a $1,000 donation June 2 to the Tunnels to Towers Foundation, which was founded by Frank Siller, whose brother, Stephen, was a firefighter killed when the twin towers collapsed 9/11. Since 9/11, Tunnels to Towers Foundation has supported Gold Star families (the immediate family members of fallen service members), families of fallen first responders, veterans and first responders who have suffered injuries in the line of duty. The lodge funded $500 and it was matched by a lodge member. The donation was earmarked for the "Let Us Do Good" village in Land O' Lakes, Florida. Tunnels to Towers has forecasted 100 homes to be built on the donated land in Land O' Lakes for injured veterans, first responders and the families of the fallen in this first-of-a-kind neighborhood.
Pictured is Frank Siller, president/chair/CEO of Tunnels to Towers Foundation, accepting the donation.