On May 20, the Sebring Fire Department held its sixth Bicycle Rodeo and Splash Day for children in Highlands County, Florida. The event focuses on children's bicycle safety while practicing their skills and getting their helmets and bikes inspected. Members of Sebring Lodge donated 33 new bicycles to be presented to children who needed them. Some members donated bicycles while others donated money, which the lodge used to purchase more bicycles and then assemble them. The day also included basketball games, a bicycle obstacle course, playing in the water from multiple firetruck sprayers, and sliding down an inflatable slide.
Pictured in front of the lodge are Austin Maddox, Chuck Piper, Tad Little, Rafael Ramos, Mike Bacevic, Jacob Figur, Mike Carr and Clayton Johnson from SFD. Jonathan Spiegel, Exalted Ruler, is standing in the back.
On May 12, Sebring Lodge presented two $1,000 scholarships to Lewis Drummond, a senior from Avon Park High School who will be attending the University of Central Florida, and Adrienne Perez from Sebring High School who will be attending South Florida State College. The lodge also presented Julia Hartt, an eighth grader from Sebring Middle School, a check for $250 from the lodge and a check for $500 from the Florida State Elks Association for her Americanism essay, which won third place in the state contest and was submitted to the national contest. Linda Lakes, her teacher, was given a $100 check to thank her for her class participation. All recipients and their families were treated to a steak dinner.
Pictured with Jonathan Spiegel, Exalted Ruler, are Julia Hartt and Linda Lakes.
Brandon Lodge held its quarterly drive-through food drive May 20, managed this day by Robin Rutzke, Veterans Chair and Lecturing Knight; Sharon Hammersla, PDD; and Mary Lou Scribner, PER. Lodge members donated 431 pounds of much-needed food along with boxes of magazines, which Rutzke delivers to James A. Haley Veterans Hospital. The food donations go to the Nativity Catholic Church Food Pantry. Pantry volunteer and Brandon Past Lady President, Julie Ebert, said that these donations are invaluable in helping the food pantry meet the needs of the community. She shared that just that same day as the lodge food drive, the pantry had 200 cars arrive at the pantry for food donations.
Pictured are Sharon Hammersla, PDD, and Robin Rutzke with Joyce Sheely, middle, a new member of just 3 months who came by with donations.
Also pictured at Nativity food pantry are volunteer Mike; Sharon Hammersla, PDD; Julie Ebert, Past Lady President and pantry volunteer; and Charlene Hart, Elk and Ladies member.
Brandon Lodge takes every opportunity to show support and encouragement to the youth in the community. Ed Ciesla, Exalted Ruler, was pleased to accept the invitation as the honored guest to the Middleton Magnet High School’s AFJROTC award ceremony April 20. AFJROTC cadets are chosen for the award based on their academic achievements, involvement in community service and exceeding JROTC standards in dress and appearance. Robin Rutzke, Senior Master Sergeant (ret) Air Force, noncommissioned officer for the JROTC and Lodge Veterans Chair, helped organize the ceremony along with Major Daniel P. Pagano (ret). Ciesla presented the JROTC Elk medal and the Grand Lodge JROTC certificate along with the added surprise of a $100 Visa gift card to Cadet Josmary Valiente for her exceptional performance and dedication to JROTC. Major Pagano, senior aerospace science instructor, said in his thank you letter to the lodge, “The participation of representatives from the award benefactors, like the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, only makes this event more special in the eyes of the cadets as their accomplishments are not just recognized by the instructors but also by people and organizations outside the school district. As a low-income Title 1 high school, we want to expose our cadets to various opportunities and recognitions that are available to them if they put in hard work, whether academically, extra-curriculars or supporting the local community. The extra work can lead to so much more — self-confidence, recognition from peers and parents, scholarship, or other opportunities as they graduate and move in the work force or higher education. Ultimately, the goal of our program and these awards is to help develop citizenship, character and patriotism.” On April 28, Ciesla went to Brandon High School to award Cadet Lance Vellegas of the Army JROTC the JROTC Elk medal, Grand Lodge JROTC certificate and a $100 Visa gift card to also acknowledge his exceptional performance and dedication to JROTC.
Pictured are Ed Ciesla, Exalted Ruler, and Cadet Josmary Valiente.
On April 27 during the award and scholarship night at Lake Placid High School, Lake Placid Elks Lodge #2661 presented two $1,000 scholarships to two deserving seniors. The lodge has been awarding these scholarships for many years as a way to give back to their community and to support the youth. All students in the area are invited to apply for the scholarships by writing an essay on their accomplishments and aspirations. Jacquelin Vazquez was awarded the Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship and Lidia Reducindo received the Don Sansoussi Memorial Scholarship. Past State President Don Sansoussi was the founder of Lake Placid Elks Lodge #2661. Both scholarships were awarded based on scholastic achievements, college test scores, community and school activities, and financial need. Both recipients want to become nurses and return to the Lake Placid community to help others.
Pictured are Sally Kinsey, Lodge Scholarship Chair; Amy Ellery, Exalted Ruler; Jacquelin Vazquez; and Lidia Reducindo.