Florida Elks News Editor:
Rachael King
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2383 grinch

When Brandon Ladies of Elks’ Past Lady President Terri Ciesla met with a woman interested in renting the hall for a Christmas party, she immediately saw a perfect fit for what the Elks do. She got permission from the board to proceed, and on Dec. 18, the lodge partnered with Family Forever Tampa Bay and put on a Christmas party for almost 200 children in foster care along with their families of more than 75 adults. The Brandon Ladies of Elks purchased food, tablecloths and decorations using the more than $1,800 that was raised from a bunco fundraiser, which Ciesla organized and put on in record speed. The ladies brought in cupcakes for dessert. The lodge donated the use of the hall and building. Brandon Elks and Ladies cooked, set up, organized, decorated, cleaned up, and chose and organized toys. Santa (member Mark Fox) and the Grinch (member Donald Harrison) were in attendance. With extra toys that were gathered from the Walgreens-Elks gift drive, Santa was able to let each child pick out a toy to take home. Family Forever Tampa Bay is a non-profit organization that cares for foster children; adopted and kinship children; and children who have been abused, abandoned or neglected. The organization finds forever families to adopt.

Pictured is the Grinch with the toys for children to choose from.


2383 food

Brandon Elks Lodge #2383 used its $2,500 Elks National Foundation Gratitude Grant to support two local organizations that continue to bridge the gap between crisis and stability. Nativity Food Pantry provides food to more than 140 families and to several local food missions. ECHO provides food, clothing, and access to life-stabilizing resources, such as computer training and resume creation assistance. In November, Mary Lou Scribner, PER and Sharon Hammersla, PDD divided the grant funds and purchased the groceries most needed by each organization. They delivered the food to ECHO Nov. 17 and to Nativity Food Pantry Nov. 22. The goal of both organizations is to support the community and alleviate food insecurity. In all, more than 2,000 pounds of food was donated.

Pictured are Sharon Hammersla, PDD and Chris, Nativity Food Bank manager.


2383 santa

The Brandon Ladies of Elks held a Breakfast with Santa event Dec. 17 during their regular monthly Sunday all-you-can-eat breakfast. Members and guests were invited to bring their children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews and neighbors. Santa spent time with 15 children, who all received a Christmas toy. Breakfast with Santa has become an annual event that the kids and members look forward to.

Annie Fox, Brandon Ladies President, left, took the opportunity to tell Santa her wish list for Christmas! Also visiting Santa is Dianne Ferrar, Brandon Ladies of Elks member.


2383 fam

Adopt-a-Family for Christmas has been a long-standing tradition of Brandon Elks Lodge #2383. This year, 11 families with a total of 26 children were adopted by individual lodge members. Families in the community who need a little assistance are identified, and members get the opportunity to make a difference in the child’s life at Christmas with gifts tailored to their wish lists. On Dec. 14, lodge members gathered to wrap all the gifts. Exalted Ruler Marionette Sexton-Garvey and her husband, Glenn, saw that all the presents were delivered to each family in time to be under their Christmas tree for Christmas. All toys and clothes are donated by lodge members. Pictured are Carolyn Thomas, Brandon Ladies of Elks member, and Marionette Sexton-Garvey, Exalted Ruler.


         1529 Woodlawn 1529 Sebring Middle

Sebring Lodge participated in the Elks Americanism essay contest, with the theme of "What is my American Dream?" Lodge Americanism Chair, Diane Morse, secured participants from Woodlawn Elementary and Sebring Middle School. First place winners from each school received $100, second place winners received $50 and third place winners received $25. 

Pictured Dec. 13 from Woodlawn are Andria McHargue, fifth grade teacher; Keane Angsinco, second place winner; Ryan Avirett, first place winner; Diane Morse, Lodge Chair; Gwen Clark, Lecturing Knight; Christine Gilbert assistant principal; and Jerry Wright, principal. Marcus Padron, the third place winner, was not available for the picture. Pictured from Sebring Middle School are Diane Morse; Kin Labra, first place winner; Julia Hartt, second place winner; Savannah Folgate, third place winner; and Gwen Clark.